The Society's approach to Production and Operations Management is problem-centered; it does not rely on particular methodologies. We are dedicated to uncovering and understanding the canon of knowledge in POM and we encourage reviews and reinterpretations of past research and the provocative idea that initiates new research. Pedagogy remains a core interest of the Society; conference sessions, the website, and various bulletins are evidence of this interest.
The tangible benefits of the Society include:
- Receipt of the Production and Operations Management journal.
- Discounted registration fee at the POMS annual conference.
- Periodic receipt of Job Bulletin, Research Bulletin, and other e- mail announcements.
- Receipt of the POMS Chronicle newsletter.
- Continuing access to the portions of the POMS website that will be looked in the future:
- Pedagogy area -- links to course websites and syllabi at many schools; links to case collections and international groups; clearinghouse for sabbaticals and leaves around the world
- Membership area -- find and phone or e-mail of other members easily
Annual membership dues for 2023:
Regular POMS Membership: $125.00
Joint Membership POMS and EurOMA*: $176.00
Affiliate Membership
Members who do not pay the full membership fee will be designated as Affiliate Members. The affiliate members cannot hold offices on the POMS Board, and they cannot have voting rights in the POMS elections. Affiliate Membership includes the following three categories.
Student POMS Membership**: FREE
Retired POMS Membership**: FREE
Members from developing countries who pay $ 25. These countries currently include Africa/Brazil/Beijing/India/Sri Lanka/Caribbean and Latin America.
Annual College/Chapter dues for 2023:
College of Behavior in Operations Management: $15.00
College of Healthcare Operations Management: $15.00
College of Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management: $15.00
College of Operational Excellence: $15.00
College of Product Innovation and Technology Management: $15.00
College of Service Operations Management: $15.00
College of Supply Chain Management: $15.00
College of Sustainable Operations: $15.00
Annual Chapter dues for 2023:
Beijing Chapter of POMS: $5.00
Hong Kong Chapter of POMS: $5.00
Indian Chapter of POMS: $5.00
Latin America & Caribbean Chapter of POMS: $5.00
Taiwan Chapter of POMS: $5.00
* Joint membership is only available for simultaneous enrollment in both societies.
** Affiliate Members Africa/Brazil/Beijing/India/Sri Lanka/Latin America members and student/retired members receive POM journal ONLINE ONLY.
POMS currently has the following membership categories. Regular members ($125), Student Members ($0), Retired Members ($0), Members from developing countries (Limited Membership, $25). The last category includes members from the following countries and continents: Africa, China, India, Latin America, and Sri Lanka. Currently members in all categories enjoy the same privileges irrespective of the membership category (including the free category).
The POMS Board in its meeting held on November 28, 2022, approved the following proposal.
"Members who do not pay the full membership fee will be designated as Affiliate Members. The affiliate members cannot hold offices on the POMS Board, and they cannot have voting rights in the POMS elections."
This policy shall take effect starting in 2023 and will include new members and existing members. The Affiliate membership is available to members from the following countries and continents: Africa, China (excluding Hong Kong), India, Caribbean and Latin America, and Sri Lanka. Members from these countries and student/retired members can become regular members, instead of affiliate members, if they decide to do so.
Click to go to EurOMA web site.