Mission Statement
Production and Operations Management practices are undergoing a dramatic transformation in the way that products and services are delivered because of fundamental advances in technology and industrial organization that are creating long-term secular trends of change. The New Business Models and Operations Innovation Department focuses on how business model innovation and operational decisions inform, impact, and complement one another. We seek papers that provide managerial insights into the design, delivery, management, and assessment of operations systems and their correspondence to changing commercial practices that leverage non-traditional phenomena to augment existing revenue streams and to create new ones. Some examples of new phenomena include the incorporation of open innovation, resilient supplier ecosystems, and the growth and management of user bases that create value for one another through network effects.

The New Business Models and Operations Innovation department welcomes research including, but not limited to, the areas of network business models, platform economies, online marketplaces, and rapidly reconfigurable bespoke supply chains. Papers can use a broad range of methodologies that are regularly published in the POM Journal including analytical models, data analysis, field experiments, qualitative analysis, behavioral theory, and computer simulation. Papers must provide significant, novel, and managerially relevant contributions to important research questions in the POM literature. Contributions must be clearly articulated in the paper, including their impact on both theory and practice, and should be significantly more than minor extensions to existing work. Papers must be well-written, well-motivated, and executed with the highest rigor.


Departmental Editors


Professor Nitin JoglekarProfessor Nitin Joglekar
Boston University




Professor Sunil Mithas Professor Sunil Mithas (Empirical Methods)
University of South Florida




Professor Geoffrey G. Parker

Professor Geoffrey G. Parker (Analytical Modeling)
Dartmouth College




Senior Editors

Edward G. Anderson Jr., University of Texas at Austin
Jian Chen, Tsinghua University
Ruomeng Cui, Emory University
Amitava Dutta, George Mason University
Burcu Tan Erciyes, University of New Mexico
Antonio Moreno, Harvard Business School
Hubert Pun, Western University
Terence Saldanha, University of Georgia
Hyoduk Shin, University of California - San Diego
Daewon Sun, University of Notre Dame
Ali Tafti, University of Illinois Chicago
Yinliang (Ricky) Tan, University of Houston
Lin Tian, Fudan University

poms wave