2021 College of Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition Results

The POMS College of Supply Chain Management would like to thank all the participants of 2021 Best Student Paper Competition. This year, we had a very strong pool of 59 submissions. Each paper was sent to three reviewers from a pool of 53 judges. Note that the competition co-chairs did not handle the papers which they have conflict of interests. Based on the referee evaluations, we selected six finalist papers. These finalists were invited to present their paper at one of the two sessions at the virtual POMS Annual Conference. Each paper was allotted 15 minutes for the presentation, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session in front of a jury. Presentation quality was taken into account to decide the first and second prize winners, which were announced at the business meeting on May 4th, 2021.

First Prize ($1000):

Maya Ganesh (Indian School of Business)
Paper Title: Leveraging Digital Technology to Improve Monitoring and Planning in Public Sector Supply
Chains: Evidence from India's Food Security Program
Co-Authors: Sarang Deo and Sripad Devalkar

Second Prize ($500):

Elisabeth Paulson (MIT)
Paper Title: Reverse Information Sharing: Reducing Cost and Waste in Supply Chains with Yield Uncertainty
Co-Authors: Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis

Honorable Mentions ($200), in no specific order:

1.Christina Imdahl (Kuehne Logistics University)

Paper Title: Targeted Automation of Order Decisions Using Machine Learning
Co-Authors: Kai Hoberg and William Schmidt

2.Hongseok Jang (University of Florida)

Paper Title: Store Brand Introduction and Multilateral Contracting
Co-Authors: Quan Zheng and Xiajun Amy Pan

3.Amandeep Singh (Wharton)

Paper Title: Fulfillment by Platform: Antitrust and Upstream Market Power
Co-Authors: Jiding Zhang, Senthil Veeraraghavan, Pavithra Harsha and Ashish Jagmohan

4.Sahar Hemmati (University of Maryland)

Paper Title: Contingent Free Shipping: Drivers of Bubble Purchases
Co-Authors: Wedad Elmaghraby, Ashish Kabra, and Nitish Jain

Congratulations to all!

We extend our special thanks to the judges

Jury members:
Felipe Caro (UCLA)
Nicole Dehoratius (University of Chicago)
Dorothee Honhon (University of Texas at Dallas)
Lauren Lu (Dartmouth College)

First Round Referees List:
Adam Elmachtoub (Columbia University)
Alan Wan (City University of Hong Kong)
Ana Muriel (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Andrew Davis (Cornell University)
Arcan Nalca (Queen's University)
Bin Hu (University of Texas at Dallas)
Bogdan Bichescu (University of Tennessee)
Ching Piaw Teo (National University of Singapore)
Chris Parker (American University)
Cong Shi (University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
Dan Andrei Lancu (Stanford University)
Eda Kemahlioglu Ziya (NC State University)
Enno Siemsen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Felipe Caro (UCLA)
Fuqiang Zhang (Washington University)
Greys Sosic (University of Southern California)
Haoying Sun (University of Kentucky)
Harish Krishnan (Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia)
Joann de Zegher (MIT)
John V Gray (Ohio State University)
Jordan Tong (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Karen Donohue (University of Minnesota)
Karen Zheng (MIT)
Karthik Natarajan (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
Man Yu (HKUST)
Meng Li (Rutgers University)
Ming Hu (University of Toronto)
Nikolay Osadchiy (Emory University)
Nikos Trichakis (MIT)
Nitish Jain (London Business School)
Onur Boyabatli (Singapore Management University)
Ozge Sahin (Johns Hopkins University)
Quan Zheng (University of Science and Technology of China)
Rachel Chen (University of California at Davis)
Rachel Zhang (Hog Kong University of Science and Technology)
Ravi Subramanian (Georgia Tech)
Sammi Tang (University of Miami)
Saurabh Bansal (Penn state)
Shuya Yin (University of California Irvine)
Soo-Haeng Cho (Carnegie Mellon University)
Sripad K Devalkar (Indian School of Business)
Suresh Muthulingam (Pennsylvania State University)
Tharanga Rajapakshe (University of Florida)
Weiming Zhu (IESE Business School)
Wenqiang Xiao (New York University)
William Schmidt (Cornell University)
Wolfram Wiesemann (Imperial College Business School)
Xiang Fang (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Xiuli He (UNC Charlotte)
Yiangos Papanastasiou (UC Berkeley)
Yimin Wang (Arizona State University)
Ying-Ju Chen (HKUST)
Zumbul Atan (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Retsef Levi
Co-Chair of the 2020 Student paper competition of the POMS college of Supply Chain Management
Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Email: retsef@mit.edu

Xiajun Amy Pan
VP of special events for the POMS College of Supply Chain Management and
Co-Chair of the 2020 Student paper competition of the POMS college of Supply Chain Management
Warrington College of Business
University of Florida
Email: amypan@ufl.edu

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